How to Sell in Malaysian Major Bookstores
Do you want to see your books in Malaysian major bookstores like MPH, Popular, Borders, Kinokuniya and Times? Does your book have what it takes to sell well in the general market? Nothing is rewarding more than seeing your books exposed to the general book-reading public in Malaysia.
We can help to get your books distributed to the major bookstores in Malaysia.
Which bookstores does your distribution network cover?
MPH, Popular, Borders, Kinokuniya and Times.
Does your distribution cover other countries like Singapore or others?
Our distribution only covers Malaysia at this moment.
How much royalty % do I get back per book sale?
You get 30% royalty of sales price per book sold. For example, if the retail price of your book is RM40, you get back 30% royalty, which is RM12.
Do I need to pay any upfront fee?
No upfront fee required. So it's totally risk-free for you.
How often do I get paid?
Payment is done every January-March and July-September. For July-September, if your royalty doesn't meet your minimum threshold RM500, then payment will be accumulated for the next January-March cycle.
Do I get paid for all the books put in the bookstores?
You're paid based on consignment basis, meaning you only get paid what is sold to buyers.
Will my unsold books get returned?
An average shelf life of a book is 1 year. Unsold copies might get returned to you after 1 year.
How many books should I stand by for Malaysian major bookstore distribution for 1st wave?
As few as 50-100 copies. If the demand is strong, prepare 300 copies.
Can you guarantee any certain amount of books will be ordered by the bookstores?
No. The merchandising and buyer department from each respective bookstore is responsible for ordering your books. How many books they ordered is entirely up to them, not us.
Can you guarantee that my books will be ordered by any of the 5 major bookstores?
No. We do our best to represent your title to pitch to their merchandising department. But we don't always guarantee they will always place order. If your book topic has good appeal in the book market, they might place order. If your topic has no market demand, they might not place order.
How do I know if my book has market before I print thousands of copies?
You can talk to us first. We will advise you on approach you should take.
What is the estimated timeline for the whole process?
- Once you have sent us your samples, please provide us up to 4 weeks to pass the samples to these bookstores. Our distributing agent makes a monthly or bimonthly visit to their merchandising department of each bookstore.
- Once the bookstores have received your book sample, please allow them 1 to 6 months for them to evaluate your book and feedback on orders.
- Once they agree to place order for your book, they will feedback to us how many copies they want to order. We will notify you immediately. If they decline to order, we will also notify you.
- Once you have passed us your books, please allow another 3 to 4 weeks for the bookstores to stock up your books.
Can I pass eBook copy for the bookstores to evaluate?
No. They will only evaluate a print copy. No eBooks.
I'm still writing my book. How do I know my books will be accepted by the major bookstores?
It's a chicken-and-egg question. Nobody can predict the future. And the bookstores won't entertain enquiries about unfinished books (they already receive too many). There's no way to find out until your books are fully published and printed.
What other additional marketing services do you provide on top of this?
We can help you to book dates if you choose to have book sessions / talks in MPH and Popular outlets. Sometimes, our author gets featured to in Popular Bookfair. Sometimes, our author gets featured in the MPH Annual Catalogue. Sometimes, our author gets bestselling status. (Note: To get featured in bookfairs and bookstore catalogues is subject to the bookstores' decisions, not us.)
I strongly believe that my books have a great market. I refuse to back off just because I fear the major bookstores might say no to my books. Even if they do, I will work hard to make sure my book is out in the market through other channels. Tell me, what do I do next?
We admire your do-whatever-it-takes attitude. It's one of the characteristics to succeed in the book publishing industry. Read on below.
If you already have your books published and printed...
- Send 5 samples to our office address below:
The Inspiration Hub, 21-B, Persiaran Pegaga, 41200 Klang, Selangor. - Once you've posted over, please send an email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to notify us about your parcel.
(Note: We recommend that you use a courier or registered postal so that you can track your delivery.)
If your book is already completed but not printed...
We recommend that you print your books first. If you wish to print with us, please find out your print cost at the Request Quote page.
I haven't completed my book yet. I need help with the design and editorial...
Tell us how we can help you out. Please check out Our Packages. Also, you can request for pricing at the Request Quote page.
- Hits: 33799